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Wednesday 27 October 2021

Here we go again........

Well, here we go again.  The next part of the media blitz by MPP and his merry men (and women) is about to  hit us all between the eyes.  They are in so deep now that they cannot possibly get out without looking extremely stupid, so they have clearly decided that they might as well keep on sinking and look even more stupid.  The next episode in this somewhat repetitive tale is a wondrously portentious and pretentious documentary trailer from the American Public Service Channel in the series "Secrets of the Dead", complete with the growly and rasping deep American voice-over that supposedly convinces us that this is authoritative and ground-breaking stuff.........

The documentary itself is on the Amazon UK Channel -- haven't watched it yet......  I suspect it might contain at least some of the footage from that dreadful Alice Roberts BBC documentary that first aired back in February.

And how about this for brilliant marketing?  The wondrous documentary about the "lost circle" has somehow been coupled with another programme called "The Invention of the Trousers."  You couldn't make it up..........


Tony Hinchliffe said...

Wonderland Alice's dreadful Preseli & Pied Piper Prog first stunned us late 2020. You have clearly expunged it from your memory, probably aided by a psychiatric nurse?

BRIAN JOHN said...

Really? 12 Feb 2021 was the date on which I watched it -- did you get a secret preview?

Tony Hinchliffe said...

Looks like I am conflating Parker Pearson's appearance from his England home on an Internet link - up to that Pembrokeshire National Park " Seminar" about various archaeological " discoveries" such as the Waun Mawn so - called " circle" with the later BBC film fronted by Alice Roberts. I seem to have been the only contributor to this Blog who watched the majority of Parker Pearson's contributions, including his claim,in answer to my question submitted to him in advance, that the Glacial Hypothesis is " a boat that does not float". That was this extent of his reply.

BRIAN JOHN said...

In the strange little world inhabited by MPP and his merry gang, slogans have long since replaced reasoned discourse.... and a man who cannot even accept that his ideas are disputed by anybody deserves no respect from anybody.