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Friday 19 February 2021

The Prehistory Guys are somewhat underwhelmed



BRIAN JOHN said...
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BRIAN JOHN said...

There is quite an interesting rolling conversation going on on YouTube, in the wake of the publishing of this video....

CysgodyCastell said...

Intersting that you have used 'Angel Mountain' Brian and no link to your othr detailed work.

BRIAN JOHN said...

Yes, when I started to look at the video on Youtube, my Angel Mountain persona was the one that came up, so I have not bothered to change it. (I have two Youtube labels -- that's my split personality coming out...!!) I don't want tom use that platform for blatantly promoting my own articles -- that will just cause a backlash from the people on there who think that MPP is a demi-God. But if others want to mention the stuff on Researchgate, that's fine by me! I'm sending the Prehistory Guys some references by Email -- that might help in their education.

CysgodyCastell said...

I avoided mentioning this blog or any other links to you for the same reason, as not wanting to direct any venom in your direction. As you mentioned, the debate is polarised.

BRIAN JOHN said...

Yes, in discussions like this there are always some people who know what they are talking about and many more who know nothing very much about anything -- but who nevertheless have very strong opinions. Arguing with them generates more heat than light! Better to concentrate on things where the cost/benefit ratio is a bit better....

BRIAN JOHN said...

The Prehistory Guys also did a podcast about Waun Mawn, quarries and all that guff, some time after they did the YouTube video. They were clearly feeling beleaguered, having been attacked by all sorts of people for being rather hard on poor old MPP. So in the podcast they lean over backwards to be kind and conciliatory to our hero -- and in the process demonstrate that they are as naive and gullible as everybody else. They even seem to think that there is a "quarry" at Cerrig Marchogion, because that's what MPP says. They get almost everything wrong -- which is rather sad, since all their faithful followers presumably think that they are skilled independent thinkers with a wealth of archaeological expertise. They question a few things, and seem to blame the TV company that made that appalling Alice Roberts programme for all the nonsense that it contained, and absolve MPP himself of any responsibility. How naive is that? MPP knew exactly what he was saying, and what message he wanted to give to the world. And Alice Roberts, to her eternal shame, allowed him to get away with it. The Prehistory Guys are just not prepared to break ranks -- and there is no way that they are going to point out that the Emperor wears no clothes. Sad, but maybe we should not be surprised.......