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Sunday 1 September 2024

Orkney stakes its claim on the Altar Stone


It didn't take long for Orkney to claim the Altar Stone as one of its own, a sacred stone associated with an older, existing megalithic culture on Orkney, and then exported off down to the deep south as an item of great value and significance.  

Once you start a story rolling, it just gets bigger and bigger,  and to hell with what the science actually tells you.  Now where have we heard that before?

On 21st August The Scotsman developed the same fantasy to an extraordinary degree, with Dr Alison Sheridan (former principal curator of prehistory at National Museum of Scotland) weaving a wondrous take of cultural links between Orkney and Stonehenge -- all based on the assumption that everything in the paper by Clarke et al was factually correct.  Some people find it rather hard to differentiate between an opinion and a discovery.

Truly, the gullibility of the predisposed knows no bounds.......  and there is no doubt that the intention of the work by Clarke et al was to demonstrate a cultural link between Orkney and Stonehenge.  The choice of the Cruaday Quarry sample as the "key to the Altar Stone mystery"was no accident......

PS.   These articles were published before the latest research which purports to show that the Altar Stone could NOT have come from Orkney...........


PPS. Post modified and updated on 4 Sept 2024

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