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Saturday 8 June 2024

Salisbury Journal -- first with the news

All credit to the Salisbury Journal for getting out of the blocks quickly with their coverage of the new article in QSJ.


Tony Hinchliffe said...

Interestingly, written/ submitted by a different Salisbury Journal reporter to their previous article topic.

Tony Hinchliffe said...

However, this identical article, same reporter, next appeared in the Devizes Gazette and Herald - so the good folk of Wiltshire have even MORE opportunity to learn about these findings.

Tony Hinchliffe said...

Austin Kinsley took a photo of the Salisbury Journal article and popped it onto his Facebook site. I wonder if Pete Glastonbury and Tim Daw each obtained the Devizes Gazette & Herald (their local rag) and if Tim is writing a letter of complaint to the editor?? I note that Tim has placed upon his own Blog his own explanation for the boulder, involving prehistoric fingerprints.