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Monday 24 January 2022

New book on Gower landscape (and water).....

I have recently done a review on this large-format hardback book for a specialist journal, so I won't repeat that here.  But it's very well produced, and packed with excellent maps, diagrams and  detailed info on landscape evolution -- including the events of the Ice Age.  

It's been published privately by Prof Peter Kokelaar, who was at Liverpool University, arising out of his own passion for Gower, the landscape and the origins of groundwater.  The title is rather unfortunate, but there you go......... I'm not sure that all that many people are exercised by the question of whether our water is really ours or somebody else's.

I don't agree with some of the things that he says about the patella beach and aspects of glacial history -- but by and large he has stuck quite closely to the story related in the QRA volume on the Quaternary history of Gower.

Anyway, the book is good value at £20, and I hope it succeeds.  If just a third of the members of the Gower Society buy a copy, he will turn a loss into a profit!  So best of luck to him.

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