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Wednesday 15 December 2021

Pot-hole paradise

Now here are some PROPER holes, carved on a steeply sloping rock face in Norway.  They were taken by Prof Jan Mangerud, a glacial geomorphologist with whom I was in frequent contact in the good old days.  He's now retired, of course (he's even older than I am), but is still writing articles and contributing to assorted Facebook pages and blogs.

These pot-holes are fabulous, carved out beneath deep wasting ice by very powerful meltwater streams armed with tumbling boulders.  The rock arch in the top photo is particularly spectacular (and very unusual), having been formed through the coalescence of two large potholes that were adjacent to one another on the rock face. 

I suspect the photos are from the famous Rullestad Gorge.  Here are a couple of extra pics:

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