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Saturday 24 August 2024

Stirrings in the undergrowth


Jacky Henderson, presenter and maker of the YouTube video entitled 
"The Stonehenge Bluestone Debate"

In spite of the extraordinary media coverage for the absurd "Scottish Altar Stone"story, it's becoming clear that the members of the general public are less gullible than they appear at first sight.  Two bits of evidence.  One is the YouTube video made by Coral and Jacky and published two weeks ago.  It has had 67,000 views and attracted 558 comments so far -- the great majority of them expressing real concern about the work of MPP and his team, and about that infamous "Lost Circle" programme shown over and again by the BBC.

The other bit of evidence comes from a short Linkedin post which I published a week ago on the problems associated with the "Scottish Altar Stone" paper in "Nature." A successful post on Linkedin might attract 100 viewings -- but for this post there have already been over 45,000 viewings and 48 comments.

It's clear that there is a lot of "word of mouth" promotion going on, completely out of the control of those of us who did the posting!   Many of the comments are coming from people with scientific backgrounds including some who know rather a lot about zircon and geological dating methods.

So well over 100,000 people have now come to realise that the story of the Stonehenge bluestones is not quite as reliable as certain academics would have them believe.  And it ain't over yet.

All in all, this has quite restored my faith in humanity...!


PS. I had this titled "mumblings in the undergrowth" as a picturesque expression,  but realised that this could be construed as referring to Jacky walking along his leafy lane and insulting the manner of his delivery!!  This was far from my intention, and apologies for any offence caused.  I think his delivery to the camera is very well done, and easy to follow. 

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