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Monday 26 August 2024

East coast tills and erratics

Erratic pebbles from the East Yorkshire coast, found in till deposits.

Here is some of the raw material consulted by Matt Sibson and others during their assessments of the "Altar Stone Transport Debate".   The article by Sutherland et al (2020) attempts to elucidate the sequence of events near Tunstall at the end of the Devensian glaciation -- and the work demonstrates that while most of the glacial erratics have not travelled far, some have come from Scotland and even Scandinavia.  Also, the clasts have had complex histories, moved back and forth during a number of glacial episodes.


A litho-tectonic event stratigraphy from dynamic Late Devensian ice flow of the North Sea Lobe, Tunstall, east Yorkshire, UK. 2020
Jenna L. Sutherland, Bethan J. Davies, Jonathan R. Lee
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association

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