Some of the ideas discussed in this blog are published in my new book called "The Stonehenge Bluestones" -- available by post and through good bookshops everywhere. Bad bookshops might not have it....
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Monday, 24 February 2025

The BBC has lost its moral compass

Tonight and tomorrow the BBC will be broadcasting -- for the eleventh and twelfth times -- that appalling pseudo-science documentary featuring a gullible and "astonished" Alice Roberts and the ubiquitous MPP, entitled "Stonehenge: the Lost Circle Revealed." Since it was first broadcast in February 2021 it has also been continuously available on BBC iPlayer.  

This is, of course, nothing more than a hoax, dressing up an elaborate fantasy as "cutting edge science".  The narrative has been subjected to pretty brutal treatment by many viewers and commentators, including Mike Pitts and the late Tim Darvill, and we know that MPP does not himself believe the story any longer -- but the programme is still out there, heavily promoted by a Corporation that apparently prides itself for its respect for the truth.  BBC Verify is flagged up as something that deals with all cases of misinformation and disinformation, and ensures that high standards are maintained at all times.  And the BBC tell us constantly about its respect for the truth.  Just read the literature about its complaints procedure.............  hollow words, which we can not for a minute take seriously.

The BBC deals with its own complaints.  When I complained about this programme the response I got was arrogant and dismissive -- claiming that the BBC was not in possession of any information which might lead it to conclude that the programme should not be shown again.  That line of defence would not get you very far in a court of law!  The BBC would probably say that although certain information had been brought to its attention by me and other complainants, they were currently "not in possession of it", and were therefore in the clear to carry on broadcasting something accused of being wholly unreliable.

I complained in 2022 to OFCOM about the BBC response,  and got an acknowledgement of my complaint (in December 2022) and have heard nothing from them since then.

Goodbye, truth.  To hell with science and education -- all that matters nowadays is entertainment..........


Tony Hinchliffe said...

Alas, the BBC is caught in a perpetual "Carry On Regardless, It Ain't Me Guv!" cycle. The likes of newsreader Clive Myrie, who also presents Mastermind on Mondays, ought to turn his BBC Verify binoculars onto this debunked 9 p m Monday BBC4 delusion which emanates from certain deluded MPP stalwarts. Hubris in spades, sadly no humility ANYWHERE. Good grief ( like Brian I too complained to the BBC).

Tony Hinchliffe said...

The GOOD NEWS, however, is that Patricia Southern authored an excellent, very clear and objective book titled " The Story of Stonehenge ", Amberley, paperback 2014. She cites Brian's earlier 2008 book. She is an authority on the early history of England & Europe, and lives in Northumberland. Patricia analyses how the monument was built and considers properly both sides of the bluestones movement issue. No lip service to anyone.

Tom Flowers said...

We should refuse to pay the licence. I do not want to pay good money to be lied to! My lifelong friend, now disabled, used to shout at his TV. But this had nothing to do with Stonehenge, in which he has no interest, but everything to do with BBC reporting on politics. He still has not paid his licence to watch TV, so he watches Netflix instead.

Tony Hinchliffe said...

To my surprise the BBC News Channel has " BBC Verify" in its afternoon programmes. Let's hope it lives up to that title.

Tony Hinchliffe said...

Perhaps we should contact Ros Atkins & Katie Razzall on radio 4's THE MEDIA SHOW. They went in with no holes barred at the BBC over its recent programme on young people in the Gaza strip this afternoon ( repeated Thursday at 8 p m.)