
Friday 12 May 2017

New book on Preseli

A new book on Preseli has just been published -- written by my old friend Dyfed Elis-Gruffydd.  It will be a fascinating read, for those who can read in Welsh.  Anyway, I'm happy to do my bit in promoting it, since it will, I am sure, be reliable!



  1. Myris of Alexandria13 May 2017 at 10:52

    What value should we place on your assurance that the book will be reliable? Have you critically read the book?
    Let us hope that you do not allow a duality when measuring the worth of words written by senior academics writing within their specialities and the perhaps worthy wordage of ‘old friends’. It smacks too close of celebrity endorsement. Will it be ripped genes (sic) and quinoa diets next.
    The leitmotif of this blog is surly challenge everything, not random plugging. Not so much a search for the TRUTH (pace all Greek speakers) as a sponsored selling opportunity.
    Read the book and then discuss it. NO exceptions, that is what the rest of us do-research and comment with no fear or favour.- well a little favour for the young and beautiful.
    My ‘celebrity’ plug, do see Ian McShane as Wotan in American Gods (Amazon Prime) Too, too naughty.

  2. You don't need to feel threatened, Myris, because this is a general book intended for a non-specialist readership. A pleasant ramble through Preseli, no doubt. I doubt that Rhosyfelin will even be mentioned.......

  3. Reading Welsh a non-specialist subject.Mmm

    I feel more Welsh than most, but when you want to write for the herd then surely English is the thing

  4. 'The leitmotif of this blog is surly challenge everything'. Surly? A little harsh, Myris. BJ's Posts are littered with good humour with occasional scoffing. Now, back to Eurovision for some, but, thankfully, not for me...

  5. What would Elvis Presley's name be if presented in Welsh? There was, after all, a Saint Elvis long ago around West Wales, was there not? e.g. St. Elvis Rock is located near Solva (near St David's), and is close to Black Rock, which is very fitting, given 'The King's' love of Gospel Music and in the creation of Rock & Roll from black roots.

    I expect Dyfed Elis - Gruffydd's new book may provide all the answers to the above for the curious general reader.

  6. It's a well-known alternative fact that Elvis's family originally came from Preseli, and that was the family name when they emigrated to America. Along the way, the name got corrupted........ but those gyrating hips clearly had a sort of Welshness about them.......

  7. Dyfed is a passionate Welshman whose first language is Welsh -- so I'm not going to criticise him for wanting to write and communicate through the medium of Welsh. Maybe an English-language version will come along later.... I must ask him.

  8. Has anyone got that rare recording (now apparently lost) of Elvis "The Pelvis" singing (with or without Tom Jones, no one is entirely sure) beltin' out "Wales, Wales, Oh But My heart Is With You, cariad"?

  9. There was a famous S4C programme some years ago, made by a group of ancient rockers in their Elvis outfits, performing some of the old classics up there on the wild hills. Very moving, it was......

  10. If you agree that performance by the group of ancient ROCKERS was very MOVING, why, then can you not accept that ancient Man moved rocks nearly a couple of hundred mles from Preseli Heartland to Wessex?? Stands to Reason (and Hiraeth) it happened, see??? No problem.

  11. On a FAR more studied note, please go to my Comment, just posted today, on Brian's Post of 6th May 2017, "Hitchens's Razor and a Century of Scientific Fraud".


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