
Tuesday 16 May 2017

Ice-moulded features near Strumble Head

These images are from the west coast of the Pencaer Peninsula in Pembrokeshire, between Pwllderi and Strumble Head.  I have shown some images from here before, demonstrating the extent of ice moulding.  Had a most pleasant walk there on Sunday, in glorious weather -- so I did some more photography.

Here the Devensian ice of the Irish Sea Glacier was moving directly onshore, and the extent of "debris cleaning" and ice moulding is very impressive.  I have not seen any obvious striations.  We can only assume that these features are of Devensian age, although of course we cannot discount the possibility that some are inherited from earlier glacial episodes.

There are of course other areas of ice-moulded bedrock in N Pembs -- and I have already illustrated this in locations like Garn Fawr, Carningli, Carn Meini and Carnllidi.

It would be rather interesting to get some cosmogenic dates for these surfaces........

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