
Friday 17 February 2017

Here comes Super-Stonehenge........

Talking of hokum, as we do quite often on this blog, wait for it....... here comes the latest blockbuster for Sky TV.  It's called "Britannia".  It will be broadcast this year, and featuring large will be a sort of Super-Stonehenge around which the drama involving Druids, Celts and Romans will swirl, no doubt with plenty of magic, monsters, and blood and gore.  Historical accuracy cannot be guaranteed.......

For those who like this sort of thing, here is the key info, put out by the publicity people:

Full credits for Britannia -- 10 episodes coming up in 2017

Britannia is an epic drama set in 43AD as the Roman Imperial Army - determined and terrified in equal measure - returns to crush the Celtic heart of Britannia - a mysterious land ruled by warrior women and powerful druids who can channel the powerful forces of the underworld. Or so they say.

Sky and Amazon partnership  -- filming in Czech Republic and Wales 2016.

The international distribution rights (excluding the US) for Britannia will be handled by Sky Vision, Sky’s international production and distribution arm. WME and Sky Vision negotiated the deal with Amazon.

Commenting on the show, Jez Butterworth said: “Besides being hard, hard warriors, the Celts have a belief system which makes them almost invincible. It’s a deep, heavy magic. Last time the Romans tried to invade, the mighty Julius Caesar took one look, turned round and went straight home. Now, almost a century later, the Romans are back. I’m fascinated in what happens when gods die. When an entire, ancient faith stalls, topples, collapses - and a whole new one grows in its place. New names, new faces, to suit the new times. Here we have a  war between two pantheons - the Roman gods v the Celtic gods. It’s the Heavyweight Clash of All Time, the one which most shapes who we are today. And we see it all from a human perspective, of individual survival, ambition, courage, lust, loss, revenge. All the stuff the gods have always loved us humans for the most!”

Kelly Reilly said: "I am thrilled to be joining the production of Britannia, a story rooted in the heart of our ancient history. Collaborating with great creative minds is what I love most about my job, and having one of Britain’s leading playwrights, Jez Butterworth, come on board to bring Celtic Britain alive has made this a fiercely exciting project. The vision is big and bold and beautiful, and I can’t wait to get my hands dirty.”

David Morrissey added: "I have been a fan of Jez's writing for a long, long time, so to get the chance to work with him on this epic tale is very exciting. His dialogue and storytelling are second to none. I am also really looking forward to working with the brilliant cast that has been assembled for Britannia - I just hope I get a nice horse!"

Anne Mensah, Sky’s Head of Drama said: “This is one of the most ambitious dramas we’ve ever made and one of the most exciting. Jez Butterworth has written an incredible drama that is entertaining and emotional but also asks important questions about what drives men and women to stand and fight. This is a battle for the heart of Britain like you’ve never seen before.”

Roy Price, Vice President, Digital Video and Amazon Studios, said: “We’re thrilled to be collaborating with Sky on our first series entirely produced overseas. Our customers will experience a cinematic world with bold characters anchored in a ruthless period of history.”


  1. Oh God! What next?
    But wait... recalling the previous post where of course if you came across a ditch and a bank what else could it be but the Welsh Stonehenge, is this picture not of the proto Stonehenge not found by MPP but the makers of this TV series, my bet is that it is at Llangwm on the Cleddau where at least in the early 1980s the warriors were hard, hard and their belief system made them invincible.
    Oh no hang on... those are the wrong rocks aren’t they, those are the big, big ones not the small blue ones, but could some of the big, big rocks have been carried on ice to West Wales, the arrows in that recent map were pointing in the right direction weren’t they?
    Am I getting confused again?

  2. Ah, Peter -- we are all very confused. Speaking of Llangwm, I used to play rugby for Llangwm RFC many moons ago, in the days when all the members of the team were mighty warriors and we never lost a match....... or is my memory just playing tricks with me again?

  3. Brian you too then must be a hard,hard warrior with a belief system etc etc, did you play in the 1980s, I lived next to the rugby club, 4 the Green 83 to 85.

  4. Much, much earlier, Peter. My playing days were in the 1960's......... that dates me, doesn't it?

  5. That is a time indeed rooted in the heart our ancient history.

  6. Soon to be a Dame, deepest Surbiton's and The Good Life's Penelope Keith has just been on t'telly in a DIFFERENT show, called "Penelope's Hidden Villages", one of which was Llangwm on the Cleddau. Talking of hard, hard warriors with a belief system, her "Good Life" character Margot Leadbetter (whose henpecked hubbie, Gerry, was well under her thumb) was most renowned for being in possession of no sense of humour whatsoever, much to the amusement of Tom and his wife, played by Felicity Kendall.

    Didn't Llangwm feature in another, BBC this time, programme, about attempts to restore ancient buildings, about 10 - 15 years back?

  7. Well, the filming of that prog did not go down well locally. Very arrogant and exploitative -- put a lot of backs up. I was asked if I wanted to go over to St Dogmaels just to talk to them prior to the programme being filmed. I told them that if they wanted my expertise on anything, they could come over to see me at home -- and that was the last I heard from them. They are obviously used to the idea of people dropping everything and springing to attention just because there is a slight prospect of appearing on the telly for a few seconds........

  8. Yes they leave messages asking you to 'phone back and are irritated when you ignore them.
    I always ask for money up-front. They then leave you alone. Like amateur novelists who want 'authentic colour' and are upset when you point out their writing is poor/dull and that your day rate is £XXX.

    I had to repair all my blinds in my office after Russian tv came and filmed and wanted the light levels changed. Mind you they did translate some treen -ware I had. They made the awful mistake of trying to patronise my wife. Chief wallah had just returned from a stint in Washington DC so def.a spy.

    No more bread and salt for them! No ask for a reward first and refuse to waste time talking to any 'research' girlie.

  9. Sage advice, Myris. Too often in the past I have been spoken to by assorted TV and radio research girlies (why are they always girls?) who have written down all my stuff. Then they use it all in the programmes when they get made, without any acknowledgement and without paying over any dosh. As I said, it's all hugely exploitative.....


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