
Friday 17 February 2017

April 1st comes early this year....

Our friend Paul Sanday is doing another talk in Newport about his claim that he has found "The Welsh Stonehenge" -- full coverage in the local press.  Ah well, it's a free world, and I suppose his ideas are no wackier than many others featured in the Stonehenge debate over the years......

I think Paul is having a jolly time here, just seeing how much outrageous nonsense he can get a gullible public to accept as "scientifically" based.  Not sure what this all does for the reputation of geology....... maybe that's a problem for geologists to address!


  1. This is a complete "non item" or, am I missing the report by the tells me that he has found our Stonehenge, shows a picture of a dog sniffing a rock, and then leaves us to it. Is he going to elaborate. Or maybe take more water with it......

  2. I suspect that the local paper just used whatever Paul sent to them! Not sure that they even have an editor any longer....... I think Paul is giving another talk in Newport next week -- for £8 you can go along and be enlightened!


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