
Monday 4 April 2016

Rainbow ice

This is rather freaky -- saw it on a web site with no explanation of the phenomenon, or location.  I suspect it is somewhere in Antarctica.  Quite wonderful!!


  1. Dear Brian,

    I am the author of the original post on the cryosphere blog of the European Geoscience Union (
    If you take a closer look at the publication date and at the caption (especially the last paragraph), I think many of your questions could be answered :-).

    Best wishes


    PS: Could you tell me on which website you found this image? I am curious.

  2. Dear Brian.

    The image comes from the EGU Crysophere Blog post ( and I am afraid it was posted on April 1st 2016 as an April fools joke, it is an image from Antarctica, edited to include the rainbow colours. It is not real and has no scientific basis. Apologies for confusing you, although we are pleased our little joke was seen by many people.

    Emma Smith (Co-Editor, EGU Cryopshere Blog).

  3. Well done -- you fooled me! I failed to spot the date!!


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