
Monday 4 April 2016

Martha Morgan Country now launched

 In the footsteps of Mistress Martha.  Model: Rhiannon James.  Photographer: Steve Mallett

Excuse my absence from the blog in recent days -- it's been all hands on deck for the launch of my new "literary tourism" project centering on the books of the Angel Mountain Saga.  That was yesterday, at the Boat Club in Newport, and it was a great success -- a packed room and support from all over the place for our attempts to bring more visitors to the area, focussing on the "heritage" features of the landscape.  The stars of the show were model Rhiannon James and photographer Steve Mallett, who are jointly responsible for a fantastic portfolio of photos which can now be seen here:

Actually, Rhiannon is not a model at all, but a very attractive and very smart young lady who is studying law in Cardiff University at the moment.  She is currently Miss Pembrokeshire, and she's also a very close match for the heroine Mistress Martha Morgan in the imaginations of many readers.......

Here is one of the "heritage" pages from the new web site:

Here is some of the press coverage:


  1. Lovely site, well written, very nice pictures, good main structure for navigating it.

    Two small remarks:
    1. Some pages are very long and it's sometimes hard to find a certain item. They could benefit from a kind of submenu, either on the page itself or in the main menu.
    2. I am not too familiar with the area (being from the Netherlands and having been in the neighborhood once) and I am seriously missing a map with all locations indicated on it. I have no idea where most of these beautiful places are.

    But these are minor details, I have really enjoyed exploring it! Might even have a try at the books...

  2. Thank you! Fair comments, all of them. Work in progress! It was quite a challenge to get this site done in time for the launch, and a lot more work needs to be done on it. A map is in the pipeline..... We went for longish pages on the basis that most people these days are used to scrolling up and down. The alternative would have been a vast number of short pages and a very complex menu structure. For better or worse, we thought it best to aim for a page layout which encouraged browsing and enabled visitors to "get a flavour" of the area by seeing many different locations on the same page. But one downside is that when you use the search box you get to the right page but still have to scroll up and down to find the item you need! The site will evolve over the coming months.

  3. Very good site. Essential reference for people visiting North Pembrokeshire.


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