
Thursday 10 December 2015

Food for thought....

Somebody put this on Facebook today.  There was no caption, and I was not sure what it was all about.  But then it came to me -- the people in the queue are all archaeologists!


  1. To be fair, Brian, the people in the queue are NOT all archaeologists. Let's have a bit of fair play to archaeologists: it is highly probable that the majority of U.K. archaeologists have not been convinced to join the MPP bandwagon. More likely, the people in the queue are the relatively naïve, relatively suggestible, average punters, the Joe & Josie Punters who tend to take on face value what MPP & The Gang whisper in their ears, with the so subtle use of media megaphones.

  2. Very true. But SOME of them look like archaeologists. In fact, I'm sure I've seen some of them at MPP's lectures.

  3. I think there should be a THIRD entrance in the cartoon , "Common No sense " . Why ? After reading a broad spectrum of on line comments on various pages devoted to ancient sites on Facebook etc , I truly believe the largest percentage of contributors can only envisage "Aliens , some mythically fantastical lost civilisation , giants, pre history super gods or magic" moved the bluestones, built Stonehenge to a conspiracy theorists world order design ... I am now pretty sure the world is going truly bonkers that the broadest spectrum of people cannot envisage the simplest solutions . I tried replying to a couple of them trying to explain what is actually on the ground from personal experience, most of them truly believe Preselau was home to some ancient super god, waste of time trying to be helpful.....Holywood and The X Files etc have an awful lot to answer for ...

  4. Like someone once said "Intelligent people aren't lying awake worrying that pro- bono proctologists from other star systems are going to show up in their bedrooms"


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