
Monday 9 November 2015

New MPP book....

Oxbow Books have delivered advance copies of the latest book from MPP and his team -- looks as if it will be out in good time for Christmas.  Always happy to give a free puff for impecunious fellow authors......

I wonder how much will be found within on the wonders of Rhosyfelin and Carn Goedog?  A fair amount, I suspect.  If so, it will be another example of a highly controversial field study (extending over 5 seasons)  being published (and maybe presented as "fact") in popular book form without ever having been peer-reviewed and published in the pages of a conventional academic journal.  But we mustn't pre-judge the issue -- let's wait and see what the volume has to say.


  1. Has anybody who reads this book read it yet? There is a very strange silence, although I realise few contributors follow the trail of the Great MPP Team enthusiastically, and I suggest they are wise to do so. One bitten, twice shy.

    I shall have to check with Wiltshire Public Library Service if they have purchased copies yet. It was down to me to draw it to their attention a month or so back!! Thus, it would appear that even the Wiltshire Council archaeologists were in no hurry to read it!

    Sorry Myris, I do exempt the Pet Rock Boys' contributions from any criticism as yet.

  2. Should have put "Has anyone who reads this Blog read the book yet?"

  3. Tony, It just sounds like modern marketing. The same old story dressed up in new clothes and people who feel the need to be uptodate will buy the latest version - like libraries. No doubt it will be there just in time for christmas so gift givers who don't know us very well may think to delight us with the latest and greatest; now there's a thought for Christmas Day. There are so many other books I would like to be receiving that perhaps a pre-emptive list is in order. Ideas welcome!

    In my mind the big puzzle is not solved by a book about Stonehenge as an isolated monument. Rather I wonder about the integrating theory for Durrington, Marden, Avebury and further afield to the very far North.

    When is Mike's tell all lecture. I thought it was this month. The cynic in me fears that we will have a blown up orchestrated hype in magazines and press to drive christmas book sales. How ordinary.

  4. Mike's big lecture and the "discussion" on Stonehenge is, I think, this very day. Ironic that today is also the day of publication of our new paper on Rhosyfelin. It's in print, apparently, but I haven't had my copy yet. Hoping to get it -- and a PDF -- tomorrow..... watch this space.

  5. "Oxbow Books have delivered advance copies of the latest book from MPP...." Just wonder how you got hold of this news, Brian? Perhaps Myris got a wiff of it from Dr Rob Ixer, notable book reviewer.

    I assumed this MPP book was being published by the CBA, Council For British Archaeology.

    As for an integrating theory, Chris, yes, that should be addressed but I reckon English Heritage and the University of Reading may steal a march on MPP and his bevy of helpers with the surname Richards (joke), at least as regards all the other important Wiltshire henge monuments you mention. MPP may hit back with Something Interesting and rather Left Field on the Orkneys and the Highlands and Islands, places Mike, and Colin Richards know very well.

  6. Myris of Alexandria9 November 2015 at 22:22

    No Dr Ixer as far as I know is currently reviewing a book on Andean mining and quarrying and the recent Stonehenge landscape EH book and the fabulous two German gold silver books, he has a few more in press.
    But no MPP book.

  7. If you get this given you as a Christmas present coffee table book, you may be inclined to spill your coffee all over any pages with claims regarding the presence of a "quarry" at Rhosyfelin, bearing in mind today's (10/11/15) counterblast from the Three Authors [not sure whether or not they are also Three Tenors?].

    Good to hear Dr Ixer is still in the reviews business. Is he conducting any soirees between now and Christmas?

  8. We haven't thought of doing a concert turn as the Three Tenors, but we'll put it to out agents. They are, of course, negotiating with the National Geographic Channel as we speak, regarding a glacial transport spectacular, with a very small cast (just the Red Lady of Paviland and her / his family), which will make it very economical.....

  9. Myris of Alexandria10 November 2015 at 22:31

    I fear, chez Tiffin Cottage, every evening is a soiree.


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