
Saturday 25 October 2014


Just been alerted to the fact that 1470 people have looked at this blog post about braided rivers in Iceland......

Well over 700 have looked at it today -- I wonder why?  Does anybody else have any idea what's going on?  Admittedly, they are very beautiful images......


  1. Constantinos Ragazas25 October 2014 at 15:03

    Its an "Act of God", Brian! Ask your publicist!


  2. Publicist? I tried one once -- he charged me £2000 for a supposedly wonderful package of publicity which would make me a fortune. Result? Zero additional income and two grand down the plug. Maybe God is working in wondrous ways, without any help from me.......

    Or maybe Myris is involved? He has a direct line to the gods.....

  3. Myris of Alexandria25 October 2014 at 16:03

    True but they are capricious so best not to ask too often or for too much.
    Think Ry Cooder Jesus is on the main line tell him what you want.
    In truth it is a cyber attack to bring your site down. You know by whom.
    Do you get a funny click when picking up the 'phone?
    Unwanted 'phone calls, junk mail.
    Once marked .......

  4. You mean Satan has got it in for me? Must keep an eye open for suspicious characters with horns....

  5. Views of that page are now up well over 1500 -- there is clearly a sudden and very welcome interest in Icelandic rivers.....

  6. Constantinos Ragazas25 October 2014 at 17:47


    Put a link on that “braided” post to your latest novel! God helps those that help themselves!

    Myris knows about strange “clicks and clucks”! As he lives life on the edge! Straddling “two minds” going on opposite directions.

    Its safer, Myris, when your feet are planted solidly on Truth and Nature. Don't let Most-Popular-People gorge you to the hilt with “junk theories”.


  7. Mystery solved. There's a popular photo site called Reddit -- and somebody posted a link across to my blog page with some speculation about whether the photos were real or doctored in some way. So 900 or so photography buffs have been looking at the site and enjoying a jolly discussion. They will probably all be bored by tomorrow, and onto something else.......

  8. Pity you have discovered an apparent explanation. I was about to suggest it must be something to do with my mentions of Icelandic multi - talented Super - Heroine, BJORK, as a strong candidate for Musical Director in your forthcoming screenplay of your book on Greenland....what is your new book on Greenland called again?? David Attenborough works with Bjork, so why not Brian(k)?

    As Iceland has a population of just 325,000, didn't think the residents were responsible.

  9. Brian,

    Nothing connected to this post, but came across this post article today that will be of interest to you.


  10. Interesting -- wonder if it's crashed down yet?


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