
Saturday 10 May 2014

CAPTCHA gone -- Anon posts going too

Now that I have dumped CAPTCHA, more automated spam messages (called bots?) are indeed coming through to me -- so I shall set up a filter on my mail programme to ensure that anything sent by "Anonymous" goes straight into the Trash and is not even seen by me on my incoming mail list.

So a plea -- all future messages should have proper names (or pseudonyms, if you are of a retiring disposition)  in the appropriate box.  Otherwise they will just disappear into the ether -- or the E-cloud, or wherever unwanted things go to die.........


  1. Phil O'Sophical10 May 2014 at 13:27

    Can you do the same with my bills, please? :-(

  2. Hi Phil

    Well, you can always ask your mail filter to send them into trash as well, and then await developments.....

  3. Myris of Alexandria.10 May 2014 at 13:44

    I miss the emails from Mrs Sesu Seeku from Zaire.W had quite a long correspondence before she refused some of my more agile requests.
    It is interesting to see how themes come and go in spam. I have not had a chance to refresh my stock of herbal pills for years- those for a bigger life much to Mrs Seku's relief.

  4. My Viral Email in-tray has recently received "Weeds start to grow at Stonehenge" and, from the National Trust, "Are you ready for wildlife?". Are the two items somehow connected? Or is this authentic spam? On the other hand, m'Lud, should I pass these on to the BBC's Gardeners Question Time? But the Wiltshire police may well be interested in investigating the first item. What should I do? I'm in a Quandary*

    Wiltshire dialect word for specialist quarry created by over - eager archaeologists.

  5. Love the new format, Brian - and the loss of 'CAPTCHA' will not be missed.

  6. Thanks folks. Consensus seems to be that the new layout looks good, so I'll stick with it. My other innovation -- directing Anonymous posts straight into the trash can, also seems to be working OK....


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