
Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Renland dissected plateau


On the southern and eastern ringes of the Renland Ice cap (adjacent to Nordvestfjord in East Greenland) there is a plateau landscape which has been heavily eroded by streaming ice and thus heavily dissected. See also the posts on Grundvikskirken, the most spectacular rock pillar of all...........

This landscape is different from that of the Staunings Alps because of the advanced stage of the highly selective linear erosion, with streaming ice cutting vertically down to create troughs now occupied by water (in the fjords) or rapidly flowing ice (in the dry valleys).

Much work remains to be done on Renland -- but in the meantime we can enjoy the fantastic images being assembled by the climbing groups who are attracted to the area.

This is the Renland ice cap in an oblique aerial photo.  Some of the rocky ridges beyond the edges of the ice cap are heavily dissected into spectacular towers and pinnacles.......

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