
Tuesday 13 August 2024

Blogger Photo Gallery


Google / Blogger have changed the way they store the photo galleries associated with specific blogs.   So some of the linkis posted earlier to my complete photo archive do not work any longer.  Try this one:

 If it does not work, please let me know.  A lot of my photos get "pinched" and used elsewhere;  I don't mind this, and take the view that if I am stupid enough to place a beautiful photo or diagram of mine onto the web, once it is out there it's too late to call it back.  So please do use my pics if you like, but an acknowledgement would be appreciated.

Although Blogger no longer provides a direct link to the post in which a particular illustration was used, if you hover the cursor over an image it will give you the date on which it was incorporated into a post. If you make a note of the date, you can probably find the post........

There are three relevant albums, with a total of 8,625 images. Happy scanning....!!!


  1. These links do not work for me. The first one says "Album not found," the second one "No albums".

  2. Hmmm -- I must investigate that, Philip. Do others have the same problem? Surely the albums can be accessed by viewers other than the blog originator?

  3. Same as Philip, it showing 'album not found' and 'no albums'...

  4. Thanks Jacky. That,s a bugger. I shall investigate further.....


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