
Friday 7 June 2024

Tim and the identical boulders


Annotated photo of the Rhosyfelin dig from

Over on Tim Daw is having another go at my research work, this time concentrating on boulder shape and seeking to rewrite the fundamentals of glacial geomorphology.........

Worthless claims of glacial transport.

"A reminder that any claim that a boulder at Stonehenge shows signs of being glacially transported is worthless unless it explains how it differs from identical boulders found at the source. If that is what they look like in Wales then if they are the same in Wiltshire then their transport hasn't left any evidence on them."  

He has also take to Twitter to make the same point.......

I have not got a clue about what he is trying to say. The boulders circled in his photo may or may not be "identical" with the Newall Boulder, but who cares anyway?  The boulders contained in till and in fluvioglacial deposits at Craig Rhosyfelin are in some cases far-travelled, and in other cases not.  Some are striated, and some are not.  Some are larger than the Newall Boulder, and some are not.  Does Tim want the Pembs boulders to be the "same" as the one at Stonehenge, or does he want them to be different?  And what is it anyway that makes my claim of glacial transport "worthless"?  Oh dear oh dear......... who put him up to all this nonsense?


  1. Tony Hinchliffe8 June 2024 at 10:57

    Rob Ixer.

    Tim Daw, like Michael Parker Pearson, has fallen under the thrall of Rob Ixer. Geologist does NOT = Glacial Geomorphologist.

    He seems to equate running his own Blog with being all - knowing, all - seeing, thankfully unlike the blogmeister of this one.

  2. Maybe a few others as well -- there are at least a dozen others who have shared authorship with MPP, Ixer and Bevins on bluestone / Stonehenge issues.

  3. Well, the interesting thing about Tim's blog is that he does not allow any comments. So discussion is not exactly encouraged.....

  4. Tony Hinchliffe8 June 2024 at 13:59

    That's very appropriate on a day when BBC Radio 4 has decided to have a day of hour - long readings from George Orwell's dystopian novel, "1984". Six hour - long readings! But WE ALREADY have the Thought Police, here on this Blog......


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