
Friday 21 June 2024

More Millennium Stone photos


Photos: courtesy Martin Cavaney

In conjunction with their report on my recent QSJ article, the Pembrokeshire Herald has published two more splendid photos by Martin Cavaney -- featuring episodes from the Millennium Stone pull in the year 2000.  The top photo was taken on Day One of the pull, showing the pushing harnesses which were preferred to pulling harnesses on the grounds that they were less likely to result in injuries.  Notice the low-friction netting.  In the background is the Waldo Williams Memorial Stone.

The lower photo shows the "deck" that was built across the two curraghs to support the stone on its sea voyage.  This was tried out at Blackpool Mill and rapidly abandoned because the connected vessels behaved very unpredictably.  The intrepid boatmen decided that a sling holding the stone beneath the water line would be a better bet -- but that was a complete disaster, and the stone ended up on the bed of Milford Haven............


  1. Tony Hinchliffe21 June 2024 at 23:05

    Michael Parker 'Ruling Hypothesis' Pearson presidentially said ( indirectly) to me on a Zoom get - together set up by the Pembrokeshire Coastal National Park that " that boat doesn't float" when challenged about his non - participation in the glacial hypothesis debate. He seemed to have got rather discombobulated by the enquiry... hence his muddled answer? Some of us know full well that our day will come, despite it being a long time coming. Certain so - called Stonehenge specialists are past their sell - by date.

  2. That story is great! To my eyes (from doing transport assessments in the world outside), it's unbelievable that people can spend so much effort building and trying transport ideas without checking out in advance whether of not they might work (or even doing the most basic of transport options assessment).


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