
Sunday 5 May 2024

Dead Ice Terrain -- Little Ice Age morainic loops

Click to enlarge.......

Sometimes, when you are looking for things on satellite imagery, you get lucky.  If you see an interesting feature and zoom in on it, you sometimes find that the  image manipulation programme used by Google, or Bing, or Apple, flips from one piece of satellite imagery to another.  In the above case, as I zoomed in on some areas of dead ice terrain around the snouts of glaciers on the west shore of Alpefjord in East Greenland, the imagery changed from summer to winter.....

And the result is the above, with (purely by chance) a combination of low winter sun and a sprinkling of snow, showing up the details of dead ice terrain around the snouts of the glaciers decanting down into the trough.  These must be the morainic loops formed in the Little Ice Age, between 1550 and 1950.  There were several ice advances or surges during this period, and as far as I know the precise ages of these features have not yet been fixed.

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