
Monday 29 April 2024

The Ice Age pioneers

Charles Lyell

Louis Agassiz

Andrew Ramsay

Archibald Geikie

James Croll

James Geikie

Carvill Lewis

Thomas Jehu

John Wesley Judd

Henry Hicks

Putting faces to the names.  The standout scientists were Croll, Jehu and Judd, who were decades ahead of their time.

Some of the above were fieldworkers and others were more concerned about theory. Some knew Pembrokeshire, and some did not. But what they have in common is that they were comprehensively ignored by Herbert Thomas when he wrote his famous bluestone paper in 1923 and pronounced that "The geological evidence proves conclusively that although Pembrokeshire was crossed in a south-easterly direction by a lobe of the Irish Sea ice-sheet the front of this ice-sheet never reached across or far up the Bristol Channel."  This of course is a lie -- he knew full well that the geological evidence shows that the ice that crossed Pembrokeshire extended eastwards at least as far as Glamorgan and across to the other side of the Bristol Channel.

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