
Sunday 17 March 2024

Marginal channels near Carn Goedog


This is another amazing drone image courtesy Hugh Thomas of Preseli360. With a low light level and deep shadows, the amount of detail showing up in the landscape is extraordinary.  Some of these tracks may be man-made -- or made by the feet of thousands of animals in the days of the drovers -- but I am more than ever convinced that the majority are related to marginal meltwater flow along the edge of an ice mass occupying the Brynberian Moor lowlands and pressing against the Mynydd Preseli north face.  You can see Carn Goedog in the middle distance.

I have been meaning to survey these channels properly, but have never got round to it.  The gradients and micro-morphology could be important.  One of those things still on the list.........

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