
Tuesday 27 February 2024

More on Doggerland

This is a nice "popular" article by Emma Tidswell, summarising what is known about Doggerland.  It''s well researched and quite accurate, from what I can see. One interesting thing about it is that it uses information from research in the Netherlands, and reproduces some of the excellent illustrations from Dutch researchers. There is also a section on the Storegga Tsunami.   Recommended reading.

Doggerland approximately 11,000 years ago during the onset of the Holocene Epoch. At this time sea level was rising inexorably. Dark green colouring indicates higher land. The red outlines delineate the present-day coastlines of Great Britain and Europe.

Source: Olav Odé/ National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden, Netherlands

See also the comprehensive study published by Sidestone Press:

This is also by Dutch authors, and is based on a previously published Dutch volume.  There is a foreword by Vince Gaffney.

Once again, all credit to Sidestone Press for allowing free internet access to the whole volume.  They deserve the Gold Medal for services to open access.......

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