
Tuesday 20 February 2024

7,000 reads, and counting........

I noticed today that this article on Waun Mawn has now had over 7,000 reads.  I don't know who all these readers are, or where they come from, but it does mean that there are now many people out there in the big wide world who may or may not agree with me, but who are all fully aware that there is a major dispute going on about "Proto Stonehenge" and the "Lost Giant Circle".   The article is now getting a bit dated, since it was last modified in Sept 2022, to take account of recent publications -- but before long I will bring it up to date.

In the context of this increased global awareness, it is all the more surprising that the Daily Express has quite recently done another web article on Waun Mawn, with a reporter who seems blissfully unaware of the fact that most of the contents of the article have already been disavowed by our old friend MPP and assorted colleagues. Nobody with any sort of awareness of the literature believes in the "lost circle" any longer.  So who decided that it was a good idea to publish this nonsensical and out-dated article?  The features editor?  If so, he should be sacked........

Or has there been another press release from the MPP team, arising from nothing in particular apart from the desire to keep the lost circle myth alive for as long as possible?  All very bizarre.........


  1. Today invited by "Academia" to read a paper from a well known academic in Wales - Richard Bevin.

    I quote the teaser on the front page:

    "The discovery of a dismantled stone circle close to Stonehenge's bluestone quarries in west Wales raises the possibility that a 900-year-old legend about Stonehenge being built from an earlier stone circle contains a grain of truth.

    Radiocarbon and OSL dating of Waun Mawn indicate construction c . 3000 BC, shortly before the initial construction of Stonehenge. The identical diameters of Waun Mawn and the enclosing ditch of Stonehenge, and their orientations on the midsummer solstice sunrise,suggest that at least part of the Waun Mawn circle was brought from west Wales to Salisbury Plain. This interpretation complements recent isotope work that supports a hypothesis of migration of both people and animals from Wales to Stonehenge."

    Goodness me, Academia ....... I prefer honest fiction.

  2. Once the bandwaggon is rolling, nobody knows how to stop- it. No -- rephrase that -- nobody has the courage to try and stop it....... so you just keep on repeating whatever the nonsense may be, in the hope that repetition will make it come true.

  3. It's like a runaway - MPP - child's snowball that runs away downhill, gathering snow and fluff downhill.

    By the way, anything the Daily Express prints is likely to be just as accurate as their front page weather predictions....

  4. All this Waun Maun garbage ought to feature in Ian Hislop's Private Eye, and Have I Got Non - News For You

  5. Meanwhile, the counting on this Stonehenge & The Ice Age Blog stands at virtually 2,400,000.....

  6. Since my last comment less than 72 hours ago there have been another 4,000 visits to this Blog.

  7. You have already, in the first 2 months of 2024, done more than 50% of the total Posts made in the year 2023!

  8. Is that right? OMG. Blame the weather -- this has been a horrible February. Rain every day, I think, and cold and miserable as well. February should be done away with. If it had been a pleasant month, I would have been out cutting brambles, sorting out the vegetable patch, burning my autumn bonfire (it's been waiting there as a soggy pile in my burning place since October), taking down dead trees and mending fences...........

  9. I took a look at the stats. It looks as if I get around 2,000 - 3,000 reads per day at the moment -- but this goes up and down depending on the frequency and nature of my posts. This month there have been 78,771 viewings so far, spread across a wide range of posts. From the graphs for individual posts I don't really understand why readings go up and down quite violently -- for example, Blogger decides to give me the full data on random old posts. I looked at one post from 2015, and after months of virtually no readings, suddenly the readings shot up to 50 or 60 per day over the past 3 months. Teachers recommending certain posts to their students? Word of mouth? Google searches initiated by a certain topic being in the news? All very mysterious.


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