
Wednesday 31 January 2024

The edge of the Glama Plateau


I found this on a Facebook page -- the Dynjandifoss waterfall on the western edge of the Glama Plateau in NW Iceland.  I have done several posts before on this rather remote plateau, which we examined in 1973-76.  The plateau supported a small ice cap which has now melted away, leaving just a few snowpatches as remnants.  The interesting thing about the plateau is the absence (as far as we could see) of any substantial morainic debris -- suggesting an almost complete lack of ice movement and almost zero erosional effects.  Use the search facility if you are interested in my earlier posts........

Here is another pic showing the nature of the plateau above the waterfall -- culminating in a wide summit.   There are several of these broad summits, which might have been snow covered during an "early glacial" phase and which then might have expanded bit by bit until there was a genuine ice cap here........  in the foreground, the water of Arnafjordur.

Further to the north the plateau surface is higher, with extensive areas over 900m.

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