
Monday 15 January 2024

Ridge remnants in East Greenland

Middle distance, the Bear Islands in Hall Bredning, Scoresby Sund, East Greenland. All that is left of a previous mountain ridge between two parallel troughs.........

I have been looking again at the wonderful East Greenland Place names catalogue, and have discovered that the area we worked in (in 1962) was named Kjove Land because of the notable occurrence of the long-tailed skua (kjove).  Do there we are then.

I was also struck by some of the photos showing the remnants of ancient ridges that once separated parallel glacial troughs, the widening and deepening of which led to the gradual whittling away of the intervening ridges or interfluves.  This is a sign of long-continued or advanced glaciation, and a complete refashioning of the landscape.  A few examples are shown below.

Bear Islands again......

One of the old John Haller photos of the Bear Islands

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