
Friday 29 September 2023

Elvis rocks -- OK?


Don't you just love the garbled nonsense that appears in the media when academics send spectacular and foolish press releases in their direction?  More collector's items with regard to the Altar Stone having "possibly" come from Orkney, 900 km or 682 miles from Stonehenge.  Assorted website articles have of course seized on the "Orkney connetion" as the latest great Stonehenge story.  Not only do they regurgitate the outrageous claims made in the press release text (and the comments of one of the authors), but they invent all sorts of other stuff as well, including, in this one, a mention of the bulk of the bluestones coming from the Presley Hills in Wales.

Well, we always knew that the Presley family came from around these parts, but it's news that the family is so old that before it started on singing the bluestone blues,  it was originally involved in the stone haulage business, all those millennia ago.


  1. Brian, my sister, is absolutely convinced.

    But it's OK because Bengy Blair, the article's author, an obvious amateur, says he will do more research. However, I do not look forward to the follow-up!

    The serious side to this is that archaeology intends to bore the pants off us, so when we see the word Stonehenge we will switch off!

  2. From an article on Wales Online:

    "Cardiff academic Terry Breverton claimed in 2000 to have new evidence that Elvis’ ancestors came from Wales, citing the link between the names Presley and Preseli.

    Supporting his theory was the legend of St Elvis of Munster, who apparently baptised St David. Mr Breverton claimed the Presley family could well have had links with a Pembrokeshire chapel dedicated to St Elvis, the only one known in Britain.

    And he pointed to the Welsh names of Elvis’ mother Gladys, his stillborn brother, Jesse Garon and his grandmother Doll Mansell, who may be descended from the famous Mansel family of Gower."

    So there we are then.


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