
Friday, 11 February 2022

Salisbury Plain ice-cored moraine

Found this pic on social media --  it's a gorgeous photo from Salisbury Plain on the island of South Georgia, complete with king penguins and a massive ridge of ice-cored moraine.  This feature will gradually melt out to leave a smallish mass of flow-till and morainic debris.  Even that will be disseminated and eroded away over time -- given hundreds of thousands of years.

 Such are the spectacular landscape transformations that occur in the world of ice.......


  1. ........and, what of somewhere near what is now Salisbury Plain, Wessex, c. 450,000 years gone by?

  2. Well, any sensible person can see that this is not the Salisbury Plain where that old ruin is located. There aren't any penguins in the area, so there we are then.

  3. We do get some Great Bustards though. And, no, that isn't a spelling mistake.


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