
Thursday 27 August 2020

Waun Mawn excavation sites

There is brand-new imagery with fantastic definition available via Bing Maps -- it uses imagery from the OS and Tom Tom, much of it dating from 2020.  Here is a piece of the N Pembs imagery, showing the standing stone and recumbent stones taken by Prof MPP and his jolly gang to indicate the location of a "proto-Stonehenge" standing stone circle at Waun Mawn.

The digs at this site were in 2017 and 2018 -- there was no digging last year, and I imagine there will be nothing this year either.

The moorland is gradually recovering from the assault, but we can see clearly where the trenches were opened up, mostly on the western part of this site and fixed quite deliberately on the supposed circumference of the supposed stone circle.  As I have mentioned before, the evidence for a stone circle here is very scanty indeed, and the diggers have done nothing to establish whether the "Neolithic activity" here was any greater than the activity across the rest of this landscape -- replete as it is with prehistoric traces.  And the idea that any of this has anything at all to do with Stonehenge is of course completely preposterous.

The old archaeological records for this area (from the 1800s and early 1900s) suggest that at one time there were traces of a number of stone circles, none of which seems to have been completed.   

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