
Friday 10 July 2020

Newport rockfall removal

In November 2019 I reported on a massive fresh rockfall in the cliffs at the northern end of Traeth Mawr, Newport.   I went back there the other day while we were out for a walk on the beach, and it has almost all gone!   That must all be the result of wave action around HWM -- quite impressive, given that it has not been a particularly stormy winter.  Seven months of wave action, and virtually all of the finer material is gone -- and the larger boulders too have been rearranged and dispersed......

On the new photo below, I have marked in the approx shape of the debris cone as it was when fresh.

Addendum:  19 September 2020.  This is the rockfall site today (a clearer photo).  The remaining debris on the beach seems to have found some sort of equilibrium.....

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