
Saturday 2 May 2020

First prize in the garbled title competition.......

This has recently appeared on Researchgate. It is so irresistible that I have to reproduce it, with a commendation for extreme originality and incomprehensibility:

Stonehenge as a state-of-the-art Neolithic European public health complex: A hormesis device for preventing lithospheric magnetic field-induced emerging skeletal tissue-associated diseases and megadeath during severe weakening in the geomagnetic field strength

Maybe we all have something to learn, during the coronavirus pandemic, about how top health complexes were run back in the Neolithic?  NHS, please take note.........

This is, shall we say, a somewhat exotic development of the Darvill / Wainwright hypothesis of Stonehenge as a healing centre.

Anyway, if you are up for getting even more mystified, read on.........

January 2020
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14700.92805
Yash Agarwal, Sarah Ho, Cole Beatty, Musa Turkle Bility


In 2019, J. Channell and L. Vigliotti demonstrated that major mammalian die-offs in Europe and North America were linked to minima in the geomagnetic field strength. Neolithic Europeans constructed Stonehenge in present-day southern Britain during an epoch associated with rapid and massive population collapse, and minima in the geomagnetic field strength, which occurred around 5,000 years ago. In 2008, T. Darvill and G. Wainwright proposed that Stonehenge was constructed for healing purposes. Timothy Darvill and Geoffrey Wainwright interpreted evidence of interred individuals from different geographic regions of Europe, with skeletal tissue-associated diseases and the perceived medicinal powers of the Welsh-blue stones as an indication of a complex constructed for healing purposes. Currently, the inferred use of Stonehenge for healing purposes by Neolithic Europeans is widely interpreted as superstitious and ritualistic acts. Here, we propose that Stonehenge was a quantum theoretic-based public health intervention, for preventing lithospheric magnetic field-induced emerging skeletal tissue-associated diseases and widespread death via hormesis. Several pieces of evidence support this theory. The selection of a unique white-chalk bedrock region (Wiltshire-Salisbury plain), with a negligible lithospheric magnetic anomaly, located at a great distance from the site of materials procurement (at farthest, 150 miles away in West Wales). The selection of iron-oxides containing sedimentary (silicified sandstones) and igneous (blue stones) rocks at approximate proportion to the composition of the Earth's crust-surface rocks, and representing the extremes of the lithospheric magnetic anomaly in southern Britain. The selection of a concentric-circular shape for the arrangement of the stones, which enables the construction of precise interference patterns of the resulting lithospheric magnetic field. The resulting magnetic anomalies, induced by iron oxides-containing rocks of Neolithic Stone Circles was recently confirmed by C. Richard Bates et al. The alignment of the structure with the summer and winter solstices, which coincides with the periods of low solar magnetic field activity, low ionospheric dynamo-magnetic field activity and concomitantly low/negligible lithospheric magnetic field activity. Here, we also demonstrate that the present-day severely weakened geomagnetic field and concomitant excited lithospheric magnetic field in North America is also associated with emerging skeletal-neuromuscular diseases in animals and humans. This work is a novel approach to addressing scientific questions in anthropology, as it incorporates well-established concepts in geophysics, space physics, geology, biophysics, and spin chemical-physics to reinterpret evidence about the purpose of stone circle structures, constructed by Neolithic cultures in Europe and other parts of the world.


  1. ah puts us all to shame.
    What 'journal is this in?

  2. Should do well at a London University. The authors qualify to work alongside Cummings in Downing Street. Perhaps Jon can tell us what it all means.

  3. Alrighty then ...
    Thought I'd heard it all.


  4. It's one of these pre-publication papers, published online on Researchgate. Probably it's in the journal pipeline somewhere.......

  5. Whoa. Who. Why. What the actual.

    The Stonehenge mystery deepens yet again.

  6. Explains why the geophysical survey does not give the expected results ('... severe weakening in the geomagnetic field strength.')?


  7. Blimey O'Reilley, is this blarney or genius? Someone inform Trump Tower. Then we'll know. Or Richard Branston, who has time on his hands.

  8. Perhaps the author of this JARGON should understand the Fog Index below:


    1 Write down the number of words in the passage and divide the number by the number of sentences to give the average sentence length.

    2 Count the number of words of three syllables or more per 100 words to give the percentage of hard words in the text.

    Do not include words that are:
    a) Proper nouns
    b) Combination of short words e.g. butterfly
    c) Verbs made into three syllables by adding -ing, -ed, -es.

    3 To find the Fog index, add the two factors just counted and multiply by 0.4

    Cumming regards a Fog Index of 12 as the danger point. If you rise above this level your writing is becoming hard to read.

    Average number of words per sentence is 20, Hard words per 100 words is 18 therefore Fog Index is:
    (20 + 18) x 0.4 = 15 which is too hard to read

    Average number of words per sentence is 16, Hard words per 100 words is 14 therefore Fog Index is:
    (16 + 14) x 0.4 = 12 which is the danger point

  9. I used to be in a band called "Megadeath" way back. We were a crossover punk/ hard rock/country and western/ Americana outfit with joint lead singers Cerys Matthews, Tim Darvill, Janis Joplin and Smokey Robinson. Remember "Fog Gets in Your Eyes"?... with its stage pseudo - fog?


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