
Friday 17 April 2020

Coming soon -- if you can afford it

I'm not sure if this is published yet -- volume one of the four-volume series in which will be reported all the research of the Stonehenge Riverside Project.  The paperback is a snip for £64.99.  I can't afford it, so somebody will probably send me a copy.......

Publication date was planned as 30th March 2020.

On the web site it appears that there is not much in Volume One that we do not know already -- and I am intrigued that "Bluestonehenge" features quite prominently -- in spite of the criticism directed at the name and the lack of evidence in support of it.  But MPP and his research colleagues are nothing if not determined that their hypotheses, once proposed, are bound to be correct......


  1. We got wind of this no doubt fragrant - smelling book a while ago, and discussed its content, and astonishing price, back then. If memory serves me well, it featured on Tim Daw's blogsite.I did manage to get a Stonehenge Riverside Project teeshirt from MPP for free at one of his talks at Salisbury, back in the day when the SRP Boys & Girls had just put away their trowels for good.

  2. I shan't buy it either. Far too expensive a way of lighting a fire!

  3. I'm intrigued about the possible market for a specialist book with a price tag of £65 for the paperback and God knows what for the hardback........ Maybe they just hope to sell a few copies to academic institutions, libraries and the academics and students actually involved in the digs. Just having the word "Stonehenge" in the title does not guarantee abundant sales these days. Times are tough out there......... not even libraries are buying books........

  4. Sorry to hear that the Professor is ill and that the book is way above my 'pay grade'. So, to lighten the load in these trying times I wrote a poem and it's about the Preseli Hills, it goes - - - - -
    Up and down the mountain,
    Round and round the Glen.
    There go all the women,
    Chasing all the men.
    What they do when they catch them,
    We can only guess,
    But every time when they return,
    Their clothes are in a mess.

    That's it.

  5. I've seen some rough cuts and it's pretty good -- but it spun my head to see the sticker price! wow!

  6. Disturbing our government is taking its academic advice on the Covid drama from UCL.

  7. Preciously priced Preseli present....
    "Pretty silly" for us more prudent punters
    Perturbed by precocious pricing policy
    from Professor MPP.
    Does that include VAT?
    ...Perhaps Bob Dylan, In Cold Blood AGAIN
    Will top the Billboard 100
    With his spoken version on his next CD.

  8. Chris -- we just have to hope, for the sake of the nation, that the UCL experts used are different people, from a different department........

  9. "One University College London paper, co-authored by economists Paul Ormerod and Gerard Lyons, a former adviser to Boris Johnson, has been read with interest by ministers and suggested a “traffic light” exit."

    Seems like the University lends its reputation to popular figures - bit like Stonehenge.

    The other "academic" opinion driving tactics from Imperial gets a lot of criticism internationally for lack of peer review. The model is only as good as the assumptions. Sounds familiar.

  10. The media are very slapdash at referring to things as "a UCL paper" or "an Oxford University study" when they are just bits of work done by an individual or a small research team. University press offices help to publicise things, but as we have seen before thay are all incompetent, and are often culpable in "sexing up" press releases from researchers just in order to garner extra press coverage.

  11. It's been delayed again (this time to 30-09-2020).


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