
Saturday 28 September 2019

Our tenth anniversary

A bit belated, but never mind......

I may not have mentioned this before, but in May it was our tenth anniversary.  This blog started on 25 May 2009, and since then there have been 2,564 posts and goodness knows how many comments published.  I could count them, but it would be far too laborious.  Probably over 10,000.  Obvious spam and anonymous posts are always dumped.

The page hits total is now up to 1,512,215.

I must have used well over 2,000 illustrations too -- many of them created for this blog.

The blog is being archived by the National Library of Wales -- I suppose in recognition that it has some sort of value for posterity, given that I am no spring chicken........

So thank you all for your generous contributions and off the record support.  In addition to the regular contributors there are 72 "followers" -- most of whom prefer to remain anonymous.  Some people probably get notifications whenever a new post goes up -- but I have no control over that particular activity.  We have had many hot -- and sometimes acrimonious -- debates over the decade, and those who have behaved like trolls or otherwise broken the ground rules relating to good behaviour have been banned and have gone on to bother the owners of other blogs instead.

Here's to the next decade!

1 comment:

  1. And it is over 50 years since you taught me Geomorphology (part of Physical Geography) at Durham University, and, incidentally, told us students that you had a specialist knowledge of the glacial geomorphology of Northern Pembrokeshire, and were particularly interested in the so -called "bluestones" and how they had arrived at Stonehenge. I have had a serious interest in British Archaeology since childhood.

    So when, around about 2011, a friend (a fellow Durham Geography Graduate of my era) told me he had found out that you had a Stonehenge and the Ice Age Blog, I soon started to read it!


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