
Friday 30 August 2019

Another milestone -- 1.5 million page views

Just spotted the meter clicking up to the 1.5 million mark.  Thank you, good people, for your interest and encouragement!

Apparently the members of the archaeological establishment are blissfully unaware of the existence of this blog, and ignorant of all the things I have been saying about Stonehenge and the bluestones. They are slow learners...... and perhaps they only read and cite those articles that are approved by the thought police as being non-subversive.


  1. Nonsense, Brian, they ALL read it, and are gobsmacked by your use of the processes such as rationality and science they find exemplified therein.

  2. Yes, you are probably right. But they are all remarkably quiet, and never contribute to our discussions. Mind you, I suppose that if they did that it would be an acknowledgement that I actually exist, and that I have things to say that might be relevant. They are probably under strict instructions to do NOTHING that might imply that they know their ideas are disputed. The strategy seems to be to maintain the pretence that all is sweetness and light, and that MPP's wacky hypotheses are universally acclaimed and proven to be correct......

  3. Of course, this (ie the refusal to accept scrutiny and to deal with disputed points) proves more effectively than anything else that this whole thing is a hoax.

  4. And 677 more by September 1st ........they're lovin' it, From the Director of Wiltshire Museum, Devizes, to sundry other archaeologists.

  5. I suspect that hardly a day goes by without someone saying to MPP '... have you seen what that Brian John has published on his blog...' or words to that effect.

  6. Not sure they are loving it -- scrutiny and exposure tare things they are not used to, and they are surely hating it. If they were enjoying it, they would long since have entered a proper academic debate. Instead, they simply pretend that everything they say is universally accepted. Strange old world.......

  7. Never mind about the blog, Cysgod. Blogs are frothy things on which we can all say what we want, so long as we steer clear of obscenities and nasty personal attacks. More to the point is the deliberate and coordinated refusal of the MPP team to even acknowledge the existence of the two peer-reviewed papers written by Dyfed Elis-Gruffydd, John Downes and myself which directly challenge the things that they have said about Rhosyfelin. All three of us are experienced earth scientists who know what we are looking at and how landforms and sediments should be interpreted. Until they engage with the points which we raised -- almost four years ago -- they deserve no respect from anybody in the academic community.


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