
Saturday 25 May 2019

Atlas contributions

It was a privilege to be invited by the learned academic panel responsible for this volume to write and illustrate the first part of the Atlas -- Part One: The Physical Setting, on pages 20-26.   It's good that some stalwart members of the academic establishment recognize my credentials and my ability to contribute something worthwhile -- even if certain archaeologists seem to think that I don't actually exist, except in nightmares.  So there we are then, as they say in these parts.

My four sections are entitled Geology and Structure, Landscape and Natural Regions, The Ice Age, and Superficial Deposits and Habitats.  With each map (or set of maps) I provided, explanatory text, notes and references.  Here are the maps.  Click to enlarge.



  1. Thanks Tony. I still feel slightly sore that the editors didn't allow me the option of colour -- many of the maps were full colour. But I suppose that in a book of this size cartography cost becomes a major consideration.....

  2. Takes me back to Durham and studying.

    Our Bishop of Salisbury, Nick, has a Durham Geography Degree - I'm hoping to convert HIM to the Glaciation Hypothesis of Bluestone movement.....he remembers studying under Brian Roberts fondly, by the way.

  3. I am losing faith in people with geography degrees, after discovering that Theresa May has one from Oxford -- and look what a pretty pickle that has got us into! (I had always assumed that geographers were taught to be quite good at joined-up thinking....)

  4. Take a look at what he said and did after the Salisbury poisonings last year.

  5. Hugh Dennis of BBC Radio 4's Now Show and TV comedy Outnumbered and is quick - witted, up on current affairs and sports a Geography Degree. Could be the alarming 11th contender for the poisoned chalice that is Number 10 Downing Street.

  6. Thank you guys. I should have insisted on colour for the geology map in particular -- have you noticed that the Ordovician and Silurian igneous rocks have been given the same solid black shading? But I suppose people will work out that the one is the one and the other is the other........

  7. Tony

    I was in touch with Brian Roberts not so long ago. He was on fine form, and had a good gripe about the type of "assumptive research" that MPP and others are allowed to get away with......


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