
Saturday 18 May 2019

Bylot Island photo gallery

Mountain avens (Dryas octopetala)

Purple saxifrage

Fast sea ice in Eclipse Sound.  The greenish-blue areas are interconnected ponds of surface meltwater

Fast se ice breaking up.  The cracks are obvious -- and slabs are starting to drift apart, with patches of open water shown by the dark blue colour

A meltwater "fountain" on Fountain Glacier -- hence the name.  Here the meltwater is not being forced out of an englacial tunnel under hydrostatic pressure;  the fountain effect is created when surface meltwater flowing downslope on the glacier suddenly hits an obstacle and is forced into the air.

Abandoned meltwater tunnel near the snout of Stagnation Glacier.

Debris-stained rainwater which fell higher up the glacier and then found its way to the glacier bed, picking up sediment before issuing again at the snout.  Fountain Glacier.

A large erratic block of gneiss, stranded in the middle of Fountain Glacier.  Probably it has come down onto the glacier surface as part of a rockfall.

Courtesy the Glaciers Online web site.

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