
Sunday 28 April 2019

Clifftop till at Ceibwr

I have found another interesting clifftop exposure to the north of Ceibwr, near the house called Pen y Graig, at SN113465.  The alittude is c 65m, on a glorious stretch of coastline where the coast path rise inexorably to c 175m between Pen yr Afr and Cemais Head.

Adjacent to the path there is a small cutting (an ol gravel pit?) into a bank of Quaternary sediments on the clifftop.  The exposures re good, and easy to examine.  There's a lot of spoil, but there must be at least 3m of till here, packed full of foreign and local stones in a sandy and sometimes clay-rich matrix (lower photo above).  Above that, in some places, we see a bed of gravelly glaciofluvial materials c 1m thick (top photo).  Above that, there is a layer of c 20 cm of sandy loess or colluvium, ralatively stone-free, and then close to the surface the modern soil.  There are no traces here of stratified slope breccias -- the topography is not favourable.

The deposits are all friable and easy to excavate -- they must be unequivocally of Late Devensian age.

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