
Tuesday 5 March 2019

The raised beach -- another Abermawr exposure

After the winter storms, and some debris slumps and cliff-falls, there is a new exposure of the raised beach on the old rock platform at Abermawr North.  As we can see here, it is overlain by brecciated slope materials in a sandy matrix -- this is the "lower head" as previously described many times.   I was not prepared to risk life and limb to climb up and examine it -- the exposure is very difficult to access.  I estimate it to be about 3 - 4 m above HWM.

Now we can see the raised beach in patches for about 15m laterally -- always in the same position on top of a low rock cliff, and always overlain by "the lower head".  

I think I can see traces here of a rather smoothed rock platform at the top of the little cliff.  Some day somebody younger and fitter than me will get up there and take a proper look.....

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