
Monday 8 October 2018

Glacial geomorphology for archaeologists

Today I needed to scan in some of the jackets of my old books for the Society of Authors.  It occurred to me that they might be useful for archaeologists in that they are nice and simple to read -- and free of much of the technical stuff that has preoccupied glacial geomorphologists in recent years.  There is quite enough glaciology in these texts to be going on with, too.  Since all 3 books are out of print, you might be able to pick them up somewhere for a very modest price!

The one written by David Sugden and myself remained in print as the standard university text for almost 30 years, and was reprinted many times.  The other two are more popular texts.  I edited "Winters of the World" for David and Charles and Wiley,  and since the deadline was very tight I actually ended up writing several of the chapters for which the contracted authors had not delivered their texts.  Advice to future editors:  don't do it!!  Anyway, the book was very popular, and sold out quickly.  Sadly, it was never reprinted.

The one called "The Ice Age" was published by Collins and then pinched, translated and republished by a Russian publisher, and the first thing I knew about it was when somebody found a copy somewhere and told me about it.  Needless to say, they never paid me a penny -- or a ruble.......

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