
Monday 20 August 2018

Delusions of infallibility.....

You have to larff.  Something from my grate hero Molesworth.  He tells his despotic and psychopathic teacher Dr Kurdling that North America actually exists.  Foolhardy but noble.....

KURDLING:  Fie child you speak with conviction.  Stand forth and bend over WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK ow gosh ow gosh that will teach you not to alter the ignorance of a lifetime.

Nothing much changes.  When those in positions of authority or power feel that their fondly held beliefs are under threat, they will do whatever is allowed within the rules (or maybe outside them) to maintain the status quo.  Bad mistake.....

1 comment:

  1. In this case, metaphorically speaking, we are all, most of us who read this Blog anyway and have some sympathy with its central tenet, used to being hauled before the subject's "Spanish Inquisition" if we dare to utter our disbelief in the Human Transport notion. Kurdling is alive and well, and living in the bastions of various University Archaeology Departments, who, presumably, must NEVER, I repeat NEVER, speak to any Geomorphologists who are working for Geography Departments within the SAME UNIVERSITIES.

    There is an equally deafening silence when we speak out of turn to the hallowed publishers and editors at such magazines as British Archaeology, Current Archaeology, or, most notoriously, Antiquity. Mike Pitts springs to mind in particular in respect to 2 of those 3.

    As Philosopher and Football Genius Jimmy Greaves always says, "It's a Funny Old World". I'm sure Copernicus, and Molesworth, would agree.


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