
Monday 25 June 2018

Spotted dolerite and retail therapy

Did you know that you can do wonders for your health by buying big lumps of bluestone? Thanks to Chris for this piece of intelligence from the Netherlands:

“I was shopping for some crystals on Saturday and saw the enclosed. Looks like genuine spotted dolerite for 50 Euros per kilo. The owner of the store has published a book in which "Preseli Blauwe steen" is described as being useful for the third eye.
"Helps to let go of emotions. Stimulates you to go and do something. This stone comes from the Stonehenge area. It helps to surface old memories. Balances the bodily energies. Stone that can transport you to the underworld and to the heavens. Used to return a portion of soul that you lost in previous lives."

This certainly looks like genuine bluestone. It’s been broken off a larger block with a heavy hammer, by the look of it.  We know that there are several entrepreneurs who sell bluestone lumps collected in Preseli, bluestone “crystals” and bluestone “jewellery” —You can track them down by doing a simple Google search. Again, the prices are sky high. As we have reported on this blog, the National Park staff are on the record complaining about people who collect up bits of bluestone from the Carn Meini area in particular. But there is no law against people who collect and sell bluestone lumps that have come from private land on the south side of Preseli — and there are of course abundant boulders waiting to be “farmed”....

But the interesting thing about the stone discovered by Chris is that it is claimed to have come “from
the Stonehenge area.” Did somebody really collect it from near Stonehenge? If so, I’m sure EH would be rather interested to know where it came from!


  1. Sorry the pic is missing — I haven’t yet cracked how to put a pic onto a Blogger p[ost when working on an iPad while on holiday......


    Should work for now

  3. "Stone that can transport you to the underworld [via the Human Transortation technique] and to the heavens[ by the Glacial Movement technique, of course!]."

  4. No idea really whether they've originated from Pembrokeshire, but I have seen some interesting pieces of a dark rock in fields at the edge of Rode, a few miles from Frome, and fairly near the river Frome. I will collect some up for you to see, Brian, when we meet up.

  5. Famed geological hot - spot, Lyme Regis on the Dorset coast, has rock shops which sell, amongst many other varities of rock, little bits of Preseli Bluestone.


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