
Wednesday 9 May 2018

The Stonehenge Bluestones -- contents list

Above is the poster for the book -- currently being distributed, and on schedule for publication day, 1st June 2018......

Contents as listed below:


1. The Enigma of the Foreign Stones 7

Sarsens and bluestones 9

The Pembrokeshire connection 12

The Preseli tors 15

Notes 19

2. Stonehenge and the Bluestones 21

The holes and the stones 21

Earthworks and pits 22

The stone settings 26

Reconstructions 31

Many pits, but how many stones? 37

The origins of the sarsens 41

The origins of the bluestones 44

The Stonehenge Layer 46

3. The Bluestone Transport Myth 49

Once upon a time..... 50

Testing the myth 60

The Millennium Stone fiasco 66

4. The Fable of Merlin the Wizard 75

Concerning the prophecies of Merlin 75

The back story 80

Politics and marketing 82

Proto-Stonehenge 84

5. Spreading the Myth 87

Variations on a theme 87

Dating the bluestone expeditions 92

Other dating methods 97

The starry sky 98

The Boscombe Bowmen 100

Barbecued beefburgers 101

The Neolithic argonauts 103

The Enchanted Land 108

The healing springs 112

The 2008 Stonehenge dig 116

Neolithic diplomacy 118

The stones of the ancestors 119

Orthodoxies and Dissidents 121

6. The Bluestone Quarrying Myth 125

The Carn Meini “quarry” 125

The Rhosyfelin “quarry” 131

The Carn Goedog “quarry” 143

The making of the myth 150

7. The Science of the Stones 157

The geological evidence 157

Modern research 161

Packing stones and mauls 169

Axe-heads and battle axes 170

The Altar Stone 172

Those other sandstones 175

The Berwick St James mystery 176

The volcanic ashes 177

Other inconvenient stones 178

The clay-with-flints puzzle 181

The “periglacial stripes” 182

The bluestone assemblage 183

8. The Work of Ice 185

The wider context 185

Glacial features of eastern Preseli 187

Glacial traces in the South-West 195

Reconstructing the glacier 204

Glacier modelling 206

Ice movement and entrainment 208

Erratic transport 211

The bluestone erratics train 214

Erratics, magic and mythology 217

A Matter of Convenience 220

9. The Balance of Probabilities 221

On human quarrying and transport 221

On glacial entrainment and transport 230

Keeping it simple 238

10. Conclusions



  1. Wondering out of interest, how many copies you initially printed? Anyway, this should certainly do the trick in putting the cat amongst the pigeons so to speak; and many of MPP's favourite pigeons will come home to roost, with questioning cooing noises to their owner.

  2. Welsh philosopher Dr. Brian John has proven British archaeologists are clowns.


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