
Thursday 5 April 2018

Waun Mawn comes into focus

Plan showing where the six  exploratory pits were dug at the end of the 2017 digging season.  
Click to enlarge.

Thanks to Chris for passing on the info from Prof MPP's recent lecture in Amsterdam. Chris says that the booket issued for the learned gathering contained these words from MPP: “(we) have located what appears to be the remains of a dismantled stone circle at Waun Maun. If it is indeed a full circle of emptied stone sockets, as it appears to be, then it would be Britain’s second largest stone circle after the outer ring at Avebury.”

The Coflein record goes along with the idea that there might have been a stone circle here:

The Coflein record says there are four stones here -- one standing and three prostrate. That matches with my observations -- and there may be other prostrate stones further down the slope.  I agree that there is a chance that there was a large circular setting here which may or may not have been completed -- but the reference to a "dismantled stone circle"is really rather presumptuous, since it might just as well have been incomplete or simply allowed to become ruinous.  Or it might have been destroyed by some irate tribe from next door....... The word "dismantled" implies a conscious decision by somebody or other to remove stones and take them away.  But we are all used to MPPs assumptions and assertions by now.........

It's interesting that Nora Figgis, in her book, did not think that there is a stone setting here -- she could not see any sign either of a stone circle or a simple stone alignment.

If there was a stone circle here, it has certainly not been "dismantled" and removed, since at least four of the stones are still present.

Anyway, in six months' time we look forward to the return of the diggers, and to finding out what other stones and / or sockets might be present.  I recall that in 2011 (or was it 2012?) some geophysical work was done here at Waun Mawn, which was abandoned when nothing of interest showed up.    Maybe more will be forthcoming in Sept 2018-- I just hope that we will see some serious work and some sober  analysis of the evidence, in a style that might be approved of by Coflein and Dyfed Archaeological Trust........  and do we dare to hope for an excavation report next winter which others can scrutinize?

My sombre prediction, however, is that we will get another GIGANTIC narrative!

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