
Monday 9 April 2018

Lost authors rediscovered

Following receipt of assorted messages from me, the Editor and publishers of "Archaeology International" have now found the names of the missing authors, and the three of them are now credited with the joint authorship of the latest "research update" together with Prof MPP.

Apparently it was something to do with HTML transfers and meta-data!

It's very noble of them (Josh Pollard, Kate Welham and Colin Richards) to share the blame for something that should never have found its way into print, given that it is based on the extraordinary pretence that there is no dispute going on concerning the infamous "Neolithic megalith quarries."  The article is supposed to have been peer-reviewed, but as we all know that doesn't mean very much these days.......


  1. Has Josh been carefully posed so that an aspidistra appears to be sprouting from his head?

  2. I take no responsibility whatsoever for the photos, or the motives of those who took them!

  3. Colin appears to be at Base Camp. [He's an ex -carpet fitter, according to one of MPP's throw - away lines in his Stonehenge...Mystery 2012 book Moved up in the world, it seems.]


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