
Thursday 26 April 2018

Craig Rhosyfelin is NOT a Neolithic quarry.....

I discovered that some people are not able to get at things on Researchgate, and have received some advice that it is possible to link to PDFs through the normal posts on Blogger.  So let's do an experiment.  I'm trying to get that short paper (which ANTIQUITY refused to publish) linked onto this page............

I'm trying first with Google Drive.  If anybody would like to try and access this, please let me know how you get on......


  1. It loads on my iPad without any problem.

  2. Thank you Simon. Good to know.........

  3. Same here. Loads without any problem.

  4. GCU:In two minds27 April 2018 at 09:34

    and my laptop

    Was that false news?

    With your new book edition could you also do something equally cheesy.

    'Stinking Bishop' perhaps? ----A disappointing cheese, certainly not divine. More an Emmenthal (spelling?) man, though I will sample anything blue and Danish. (Just finishing watching series 3 of 'The Bridge'. Saga is a tremendous creation although a bit too warm and fuzzy for my taste (long forgotten and left over Brie.)
    GCU:In two minds

  5. Thank you folks -- looks as if links to Google Drive work really well. Will consider putting other stuff there as well. It's a good way to load background info relating to a particular post.....

  6. Got in fine too, Brian. Probably, British Archaeology editor Mike Pitts has accessed it too - hence his brief concession: "admittedly controversial" qualified his brief mention of a bluestone quarry in Preselli [May/June 2018].


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