
Thursday 8 March 2018

The cosmogenic dates for Rhosyfelin?

About 18 months ago I did a post on the topic of cosmogenic dating at Rhosyfelin -- reporting that samples had been taken and that Dr Derek Fabel of Glasgow University would be doing the analytical work and working out the exposure ages of the samples for Prof MPP.  There was also due to be some sampling work at Carn Goedog.

Since September 2016 there had been a thunderous silence. The dating work must have been done long since.  Could it be, I wonder, that the dates delivered were -- ahem -- rather inconvenient?    I wonder if they will ever see the light of day?

It will be recalled that NONE of the radiocarbon or other dates obtained from either site have supported the quarrying hypothesis, or the sequence of events that MPP might find satisfactory.  Could it be that the quarrying hypothesis is taking a nose-dive?  (All things that fly, and are inadequately supported, short of fuel, or badly designed, eventually take nose-dives.......)


  1. Why would EH and the Archies consider 20th century celebratory practices to be comparable to those of the Neolithic? I do hope they aren't inferring that in 1915, the people of Nias Island were backward and ignorant savages?

    How racist would that be? LOL

    You must write to their HR department!

  2. Alas, my dear Watson, it seems the pieces of Professor Pearson's jigsaw are NOT all falling into place and fitting together seamlessly .......methinks he may therefore prefer to hide the evidence!!


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